Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wow - what a year!

2009 was an excellent year. From having seen gorillas in Rwanda to experiencing the joy of life in Africa, it has really been a fantastic year for me. A lot of the anxiety and depression that I experienced in 2008 pretty much vanished over the 2009 year. I'm not sure if this was entirely my doing or just a function of circumstance but I'm grateful for it regardless.

My dear friends in particular Sizwe Mahlala and Oli Rikova have helped me tremendously to overcome some serious personal issues. I will be forever in their debt.

I do realise that I have not written much this year but I hope to change this in the year to come. I keep this brief is the concluding message for 2009 and kick off the New Year next month with a more regular diary of my life.

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